Listen, discover, and reflect

Employee Validation

Employee Validation Listen. Discover. Reflect Last updated April 4, 2024 by Jonathan Mills Validation is integral to fostering healthy relationships between employer and employees. People need it to affirm their personal worth, to motivate positivity, to manage feelings of isolation, and most importantly to create psychological safety. When an employee …

An attractive, well organized desk.

“Konmari: The Art of Tidying Up” Workspace Edition

“Konmari: The Art of Tidying Up” Workspace Edition Posted on January 14, 2019 by Laura Mills While most people are applying Marie Kondo’s method of Konmari to their homes, it is just as important to tidy up one’s workspace. Whether it’s a corner office, cubicle, or kitchen table, your workspace …

photo by Hudson Hintze

Competing in an Employee’s Market

Competing in an Employee’s Market Posted on October 26, 2018 by Jonathan Mills This is an Employee’s Market As of September ‘18 the national unemployment rate is less than 4% (the lowest in almost twenty years). Job candidates are more likely than ever to have their pick of opportunities, which …

stars patrick carr

3 Antifragile Strategies

3 Antifragile Strategies Last updated on March 19, 2020 by Jonathan Mills Our corporate norm is to treasure stability. We call it “business as usual”, we fight for it, and most change management efforts aim to reach it as efficiently as possible. Moments of stability, however, are few and far …

Steer Away, pop zebra

Workplace Aggression: The Common Thread Between Workplace Issues

Workplace Aggression The Common Thread Between Workplace Issues Posted on September 11, 2018 by Jonathan Mills Workplace issues like turnover, miscommunication, or unethical behavior don’t occur in sequence. These issues overlap one another, often aggravating each other and forcing organizations to employ multiple responses in tandem. Increased attrition and bullying, …

carved arrow

Exit Interview Tips

Exit Interview Tips Posted on August 3, 2018 by Jonathan Mills The exit interview process is easy to forego. It costs time, creates stress, and obligates a response by leadership, so shortchanging this process is appealing; but the exit interview is your final interaction with an employee. It can reveal …

green crops by Vivek Kumar

Creating a Culture of Communication

Creating a Culture of Communication Posted on July 25, 2018 by Jonathan Mills Every organization is susceptible to experiencing the unexpected; because communication, which we often take for granted, can turn temporary hardship into a costly crisis. As an example, consider Average Joe’s Company. They have experienced recent growing pains: …

SDCC Culture

Comic Con Culture, an Illustration for the Workplace

Comic Con Culture, an Illustration for the Workplace Posted on July 20, 2018 by Chad Alexander This week, San Diego Comic Con (or SDCC) is being flooded with cosplayers, booths full of goodies, and anyone lucky enough to see the panels full of celebrities after standing in line for hours. …

waves by john-o-nolan

6 Types of Millennials

6 Types of Millennials Updated on March 26, 2020 by Jonathan Mills It would be easy to classify Millennials into just one monolithic group, and sayings about “entitled” Millennials are common workplace vernacular; but these misguided idioms hide a complex and interesting generation of people. They are also now the …

mountain path

What is Corporate Culture?

What is Corporate Culture? Posted on June 26, 2018 by Jonathan Mills When I tell someone that I consult on corporate culture, the first question they ask is, “What is corporate culture?” To be fair, this subject is nebulous and broad; but understanding its meaning is critical to managing what …